
So I did a playtest game with three of my friends online all on zoom, which shared the screen, on the screen was an online card shuffle generator to act as the playing cards:  and this was a way for the RPG to be played online with people.

However with the prompt cards, magic cards, and walker attack cards, I had to print them out and have them in front of me, so I technically became some sort of game master, as we all couldn't play from the same deck, so we just played from the deck I made. When it was someone's turn to draw, I drew the card for them, said it out loud, and allowed them to answer the prompt. Everyone wrote down their own calculations. To help the players, digitally on a separate tab, I used a digital whiteboard and used that to write down the narrative of the game, so details weren't forgotten,  such as which houses each character was in, and a way to digitally show each character's starting Elixir of Life Scores, and a way to show the battles, and who wins and loses, also a way to show the final calculations required for the final battle.

Overall, it became quite a lot of work for me, but it allowed the other players to engage easier. It would have obviously been easier if we were all in the same room, playing from the same deck. My friends said, playing a game of just 10 turns wasn't long enough to develop the narrative, so maybe a 20 or 30 turn game would have been nicer. Also, they said more prompt cards were required as well as a variety of difficulty numbers on the card, to make the game easier and longer to play. 

I'm kind of lost in how I could have the prompt cards digitally displayed, and how each player could interact with it, and shuffle the cards. So recommendations would be nice.


harry-potter-and-the-walking-dead.pdf 701 kB
Mar 08, 2022

Get Harry Potter and The Walking Dead